miércoles, 24 de enero de 2018

Cuadros de mi estudio


Comparto cuadros que tengo colgados en mi estudio¡

Todos responden a un momento determinado y tienen una propia historia:


Marine zwei

Am Tal

Campiña serrana






Oleo de: Leslie Lee

viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

PAV - ASOCIADOS: Acuarelas de amigos que comparto.


En esta página comparto los trabajos de mis amigos que he venido publicando en FB en mi Bitácora: Percy Acuña Vigil & Asociados.

Vamos a compartir estos trabajos en esta página en razón de que se va a suprimir dicha Bitácora.

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acuarelas\DE JAPÓN 1.jpg

acuarelas\Shaller Thomas 1.jpg

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jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

TED KAUTZKY: Dibujos y Acuarelas

Ted Kautzky

Mi maestro en Dibujo y Acuarela.

Theodore Kautzky 1896-1953

 Yo conocí el trabajo de Theodore Kautzky a través de la enseñanza de mi maestro el Arq. Richard Wagner. Richard nos mostraba en la Universidad los dibujos de Kautzky y nos explicaba cada uno de ellos en cuanto a la composición y a la técnica misma.

Estas clases eran para nosotros una invitación a un mundo totalmente nuevo en el dibujo, pues eran de la vida real y se veían como si fuesen reales. Clases como estas quedan en el recuerdo y en la añoranza cada vez que trato estos temas.

Yo fui copiando todos los trabajos que él nos prestaba y poco a poco fui tratando de aprender los secretos del buen dibujo. Posteriormente llegaron los libros de Kautzky y cada uno fue un regalo incomparable.

Siempre lo tengo presente cuando hoy enfrento un trabajo de dibujo con el mismo entusiasmo de un aprendiz.

Aquí en estas páginas comparto algunos trabajos de Kautzky por considerar que quizás puede ser de utilidad para alguno de mis alumnos que tengan interés por el dibujo y por la belleza del trabajo a lápiz y de la acuarela.









La Información siguiente es compartida del Blog de Armand Cabrera

Theodore Kautzky was born in Budapest Hungary in 1896. He attended the Royal University of Hungary studying to become an architect. He Graduated in 1921.

Kautzky married and immigrated to the United States in 1923 and became a full citizen in 1929. He was hired as an architect working for the New York City parks Department. It wasn't long before he established himself as a talented and hardworking artist of the highest caliber. Kautzky began teaching art classes in the 1930’s at Pratt Institute in New York, The University of Pennsylvania, New York University and the University of Toronto.

 He was a well-respected teacher and after the end of World War II he wrote one of the most successful books on watercolor ever published in America. 

Kautzky was also an avid draughtsman and published two books on pencil technique that are also influential and a great addition to any serious artist’s library. The first was Pencil Pictures a Guide to Their Pleasing Arrangement followed later by Pencil Broadsides: A Manuel of Broad Stroke Technique.A combined edition of the two volumes called the Ted Kautzky Pencil Book was published after his death in 1979.

Ways with Watercolor was published in 1949 and is still in print today as a Dover book. He followed that book with Painting Trees and Landscapes in Watercolor
Ted Kautzky Master of Pencil andWatercolor was published in 1959 posthumously and is also still available as a print on demand title.

Kautzky was a member of the National Academy of Design, The Rockport Art Association, The North Shore Arts Association and The American Watercolor Society. He won many awards for his work including the Birch Burdette Long Prize for Architectural Illustration, The medal of Honor from the American Watercolor Society in 1941, top prize from the Salmagundi Club Annual Members Exhibition in 1948 for Watercolor and the top prize for oil painting that same year, The Gold Medal from The Allied Artists of America, The Oberg Prize from The National Academy of Design and another top award from the Salmagundi Club 1952.


Ways With Watercolor
Ted Kautzky, 1949 Reinhold Publishing

The Pencil Book The Combined Edition
Ted Kautzky, 1979 Reinhold Publishing

Ted Kautzky Master of  Pencil and Watercolor
Charles R. Kinghan. 1959 Reinhold Publishing

Artists of Cape Ann: A 150 Year History
Kristen Davies. 2001, Twin Lights Publishers

There are certain principles of proportion, balance, rhythm, contrast, etc., that are followed either consciously or instinctively by all artists.These principles can be learned and applied by anyone who is in earnest about wanting to make pictures.Upon how intelligently they are applied depends the excellence of the results.
~ Ted Kautzky

Blog de referencia compartido sobre la obra de Ted Kautzky